What Are The Cold And Hot Crush Influence On Tomato Sauce

 With the same raw materials and different processing techniques, the product quality indicators obtained are very different. Using two different crushing methods, cold breaking and hot breaking, the impact on tomato sauce is mainly as follows.

1. Effect on viscosity (Bostwict value)

The two processes have the greatest impact on the product quality index is the Bostwict value. From the perspective of the development process, the cold crushing process first appeared, and then the hot crushing process emerged as the market’s requirements for product viscosity index increased.

Bright red dilute tomato sauce

The viscosity of cold crushing process products is usually> 9cm/ /30sec, while the viscosity of hot crushing process products is usually <9cm/ 30see. Some can reach 4.5~5.50m/ 30see, and some can even be <3 cm/ 3sec.

The main point of the thermal crushing process is to rapidly reduce the decomposition effect of enzymes on pectin, so that the viscosity can be significantly improved. At the same time, due to the high temperature and long time treatment, the colloidal substances in the tomato seeds are easy to extract, and the viscosity of the product is also improved.

2. Impact on color

The color of cold crushed products is bright red and brighter. The color of hot crushed products is mostly dark red.

Dark rad thick tomato sauce

3. Impact on taste and smell

The cold crushing process can better maintain the taste and smell of fresh tomatoes than the hot crushing process.

4. Influence on red pigment

Compared with the cold crushing process, the hot crushing process loses more red pigment. In addition, due to the long-time high temperature treatment of tomato seeds, a small amount of yellow pigment will be poured into the product during the beating process, which will have some adverse effects on the red pigment index. In the process of beating, if it is not properly controlled, the tomato seeds may be broken and the macula may be formed.

As for the impact on other indicators of the product, there is no difference between the two processes.



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